Charitable homeless organization
Christine's Blankets bins are currently located in various businesses and Churches within Volusia County. When these bins are full someone from the location will contact us and we make arrangements to come empty the bin within a few days. Sometimes we're able to pick up the same day.
After picking up the donations we sort them and display them for a picture to post on Christine's Blankets Facebook page. This helps us keep a count of donations and lets others know what has been given, as well as what is still needed.
Then we wash and sanitize anything that requires us to do so. Many items received are brand new and need only light sanitation.
Once they are cleaned we tag them with a card that has an encouraging message of hope. (You can find this in the photo & videos section) If they are not new blankets that are already packaged nicely, we roll them up and place a ribbon to hold it tight. During Christmas time we use Christmas themed ribbons! Then they are sorted, (children's, men's, women's, as well as by location, shelter type or street homeless). Finally, they are boxed, labeled by type and location and await delivery.
The socks, hats, gloves, scarves, water, toiletries, and other essential items are also sorted. We place these items, along with a blanket, in a drawstring backpack. We believe the message is just as important as the item they receive.
The blankets and other items are then taken to shelters, soup kitchens, temporary housing, and directly to the homeless throughout Volusia, Flagler, St. Johns, Marion, Putnam and Alachua counties.